Class room chemistry: blowing up a balloon with carbon dioxide CO2

Learning about chemical reactions in classroom chemistry: Here the team is blowing up a balloon with carbon dioxide (CO2) made by mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda!

First a test reaction in a cup – Yes,  it definitely reacts and produces a gas!
The test reaction of vinegar and sodium bicarbonate

The test reaction of vinegar and sodium bicarbonate

Then charge up the balloon with bicarbonate – easier for small hands than large.
Charging the balloon with sodium bicarbonate

Charging the balloon with sodium bicarbonate

Slip the balloon opening over the top of the vinegar bottle – keeping the bicarbonate at the farthest end of the balloon.
Lift the balloon!

Lift the balloon!

Next lift up the balloon from the far end allowing the sodium bicarbonate powder to fall down into the vinegar.
Balloon inflating with carbon dioxide 1

Balloon inflating with carbon dioxide 1

Now watch as your balloon inflates ‘by itself’
Balloon starts inflating with carbon dioxide 2

Balloon starts inflating with carbon dioxide 2


Balloon starts inflating with carbon dioxide 3

Balloon starts inflating with carbon dioxide 3

Explain that vinegar and sodium bicarbonate are reacting together to form carbon dioxide, water and another chemical (sodium acetate).
We did it - our carbon dioxide filled balloon!

We did it – our carbon dioxide filled balloon!

Good work everyone!